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Sprint and Nextel, Same Great Service

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Why is Nextel a trusted wireless provider?

Sprint and Nextel, Same Great Service

Sprint and Nextel may have merged, but Nextel still has an all-digital network, provided by Sprint PCS, that covers numerous areas nationwide. They are extremely popular in the corporate world because of their push-to-talk, one-Touch capabilities walkie-talkie capabilities built into each phone.

After its merger with Sprint, Nextel still offers the Motorola iDEN technology to deliver stellar digital cellular service and Direct Connect services. Nextel offers other Motorola phones that are extremely durable and can withstand harsh weather and work environments.

New Nextel phones offer wireless data services as well. These services include wireless email, instant messaging, web access, downloads, gaming, and more. Nextel Cellular has been providing push-to-talk access for over a decade. That hasn't changed with the Sprint merger. Nextel is still a good, reliable carrier.



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